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August 2024 Update

Hello family in Jesus Christ!

I am thankful to be writing to you all. It has been some time since my last update and quite a bit has changed. But I am blessed to be able to share all that God is doing here in Rochester.

Youth pastoring is going well! Some big wins/updates are...

  • The expansion of our group! We started out with around 15 kids, and we now have about 25 kids who come to youth group. God has brought in awesome youth in His timing, and we are grateful for the growth!

  • We have been meeting with the youth consistently over the summer. The summer has been a time of reflection on the school year, discussing difficult questions about faith, and looking towards what is ahead.

  • We have a camping trip next week! Please pray for God's protection and guidance throughout the time. And that this will be a fruitful time for the youth while they are away from routines and distractions.

Another big update is that Chloe and I were invited into another ministry opportunity. Which is so similar to what we were beginning to cultivate in Costa Rica. We are working as supervisors at a local coffee shop. The coffee shop is owned by 441 ministries, whose mission is to bring hope, healing, and holistic development to the Beechwood neighborhood of Rochester, NY through the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed.

And the mission of the coffee shop begins with our hiring practices. We employ teenagers and young adults from our neighborhood and give them an opportunity to discover and utilize their gifts as they serve our community. Our hands-on mentorship program gives them the skills needed to envision and pursue a successful future.

It has been a blessing to see our community grow as we have stepped into the coffee shop. We are thankful for our leadership, our co-workers, and our customers. It is a blessing to partner with the kingdom work that 441 ministries is doing. It have been a season of stepping more into leadership and having the opportunity to share the light of Jesus with more people in Rochester.

We have seen God continue to provide and bring clarity in our ministry efforts here in Rochester. We are grateful for the prayers that you have lifted up for us, and thank you to those who partner with us financially. Financial partners give us the opportunity to focus intently, care deeply, and commit completely to God's Kingdom work. We ask for your prayers in consideration of becoming a partner. And even if you cannot give, your prayers for God to bring in more partners would be a great blessing as well.

Past Sermons:

We do greatly care for where you are at in life, and how we can be praying for you. Please reach out to us through email or by phone 515-777-0411. May the peace of the Lord be with you and may He guide you in the fullness of your calling.

Samson & Chloe

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We are a young, married couple pursuing missions with the hearts to glorify God and bring the complete Gospel to all people of all nations. Follow along as we share ministry updates and share testimonies.

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