Transition Phase - Samson & Chloe
Updated: Apr 7, 2024
Hello everyone! As I write this blog, my wife Chloe and I have been back in Iowa for a little over a week. It has been a tough transition back from our year in Costa Rica. You try to prepare yourself as much as possible when you know what transitions have been like in the past, but there is only so much you can do to prepare beforehand. Costa Rica was different than the usual missions we have been on. Being there for a whole year made it feel more like leaving home, not just moving to the next mission field. It was hard to say goodbye.
We often get asked what we miss most? Or what was hardest to leave? The answer is always the same. The people. It is the reason for which we go into missions. We pray for God's direction in where to be and we engage in life with the people in those places. That is what makes it the hardest to leave. Not a somewhere, but a someone. Many people who we have had the pleasure to know and grow with.

We are very grateful to share that there are two local Costa Rican friends that have taken over the coffee shop. They are Christians holding the same mission and vision through the business. We are super grateful that we got to be a part of God's mission, and that we could have others come in to take over and reflect the light of Jesus Christ. We have seen God's purposes and desires come to pass as we walk by faith.
As we transition we ask for your prayers. We would love for you to take a moment, maybe now as you are reading, to pray on behalf of us. For us to process well the past year and prepare for what God has ahead. That God can continue to make us into the married couple He desires us to be for His will. We are so thankful for the prayers you have given us over the years and for the continued prayers along our journey.
We are moving to Rochester, NY here in a couple weeks. From there we will hit the ground running with the youth ministry. We are excited to invest in discipleship with the youth. We are passionate as well to find young adult community and be engaged in raising up leaders for Christ. We are praying over the growth of the church of Christ in New York and how God will use us in that place.
As we move to New York, we ask you to prayerfully consider financially partnering with us, in either simply our transition or becoming a monthly supporter in our ministry. God has continued to open doors that we never expected as we have sought to seek His kingdom first. He is a good provider in all seasons and all circumstances. I will put the link below if you feel led. It is tax-deductible.
We would love to hear from you with any questions or to simply talk more. You can reach me at 515-777-0411 or my wife Chloe at 515-401-5922.
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. Amen.