New York update! How you can be a part of our ministry!
Updated: Dec 21, 2023
Hi everyone! We are very grateful for your prayers over our involvement in ministry. In this blog, I want to go into detail about our transition here in New York and share with you all about ways to get involved.
We have been here in Rochester, New York for about two weeks now. We had our first youth group this past Sunday. It was a great time to spend with familiar friends we have met overseas on missions and some new friends as well! God has gone before us in so many beautiful ways, as we had new friends come to youth group for the first time! God is moving in big ways already and we are excited to be a part of it. We have also been having dinners with the youth and their families, going to different sporting events, and having intentional conversations.
We are seeing the blessings of looking at Rochester as our next mission field. Our desire to build the Kingdom is still at the forefront in this new season. We are seeking to partner with God in generational change for Christ. We have seen truth start to disappear from society. We have seen the presence of evil and deception seeking to take a stronghold. In the midst of opposition, we want to invest our time into building strong disciples for the Kingdom. Young men and women who are pursuing God and walking in obedience to His Word. We would love to put our greatest time capacity towards this effort. With that being said, this is where you can get involved. You can partner with us to be a part of generational change. We are inviting you into being a monthly supporter. And we are asking for you to start as small as you feel comfortable. To continue to see how God is using us in this ministry and see the fruit that follows from your partnership.
We ask you to consider $10 or $20 a month in partnership with us. Here is our heart behind it. We recognize that we can both pick up full-time work. That we can get finances to where they need to be. We are willing as well. But we don't think that is where God wants us to put the majority of our time. We are seeking to be engaged in the vision of raising up the youth as much as we can. Right now that is not possible, but you can help us in shifting the tide. We are looking to have partnerships reaching around $800 a month in total. This is so that we can spend more time engaged in the growth of the youth. There are so many Spiritual needs in all our communities. We have noticed in the first weeks here before starting work how influential having time for the youth is. With their limited availability in school and sports, it is important to be available to them. By giving $10 or $20 a month, you can be a small part of giving the younger generation access to Spiritual mentorship.
As younger people ourselves, we hear often the frustrations and complaints that surround the younger generation. How they are moving further from truth. I want people to recognize that in our frustration, in where we see a need for growth, it is important to see how we can be a part of the solution. Chloe and I see how we are to be a part of the solution in New York, and we encourage you to see how you can too by partnering with us!
We encourage you to think about small monthly support. Support that is the same amount as two coffees. Or less than a monthly membership to a streaming program. As followers of Christ, if we look at how we steward our finances, do we see ourselves being intentional in Kingdom growth? This is simply a question not to engage in one specific ministry, but to be a part of God's calling to be generous givers. Let's partner together so we aren't just grieved by where people are at Spiritually, but that we are involved in change!
We would love for you to respond to us at You may get a personal email from us as well to connect and talk more about partnership if you are interested. We notice the devil at work in opposition to fundraising. That often people are quick to judge. This comes sometimes from people we don't know, or even harder, people we do. We recognize that the devil tries to silence those that are working for God. Or to instill doubts in those who are able to be givers. As we know this, we will not bow to his attacks. We want to be abundantly clear to you all so that we don't lose people in miscommunication. If there are any questions or concerns, we are here to answer them! We don't want lack of communication to be the reason for not having a partnership.
As always, we will continue to keep you updating on all that God is doing in our ministry, and we invite you to consider partnering with $10 or $20 a month. May the body of Christ work in harmony to continue the growth of God's Kingdom. To keep sharing all that God is doing here in New York we need your help!
Peace be with you in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Samson & Chloe
