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Feb 2023 Ministry Update

Updated: Jun 22, 2023

Hello family and friends! I am grateful to be writing this blog to you today. May the peace of Christ be with you and may you grow deeper in sufficiency in Him.

There are so many parts to update you all on! Here they are :)

Coffee shop:

The coffee shop has been a blessing to have here. It has continued to be a wonderful opportunity to share the truth and love of Christ. God has been pruning me in boldness of inviting Him into every conversation I have with those who come through. To be a planter of seeds. He is also reminding me to be faithful in the little things. "whoever can be trusted with little can be trusted with much" Luke 16:10. As simple as cleanly the shop well. To do all for God. If we can't steward well the small things He gives us, we will not steward the big things in the way He desires.

Rehab center vision:

I have been getting involved to a greater extent with the rehab centers here in Costa Rica. Through prayer, Chloe and I have seen God's hand in opening doors for me to possibly step into a position with rehab. The church in Jaco has a vision of starting a rehab center. My wife and I visited a center near a city called Limon. It is pastored by a man I partnered with in ministry a while back. I went with him out on the city streets of San Jose to speak with those struggling with alcohol and drugs. They then had an invitation to grab a bus to the center the next morning. It was beautiful to see the center and meet the men. I got to meet men who were passionate for God. Men who wanted to be missionaries. It was a great encouragement to see the love of Jesus in their eyes and actions! God brings transformation! I also got to visit a different rehab that our church supports called "casa de amor" or house of love. The man who runs the program was another great man of God who has a deep love for the men. I've been able to walk in mutual encouragement with all the men that I met at these rehab centers. In God's gifting of shepherding given to me, I am walking with open hands, trusting in God's guidance.

Prayer requests:

  • I have a friend here that is struggling with sin. The conviction is heavy in his heart, but he has struggled to pull away from what he knows not to do. Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit and freedom from sin. That he won't be held stagnant in a place of guilt and shame, but God will give him strength to walk in holiness.

  • I have another friend who has been hearing about the goodness of God and really turning an ear towards it. I am walking with him and getting intro scripture with him. May not only the goodness of Christ be revealed to him, but also the cost. He is still clearly walking in fleshly desires and outwardly appears to lack conviction. Pray for his heart to be changed.

  • Pray for God's direction with my wife and I in Costa Rica. Pray for continued growth in knowing Spanish. Pray for continued faithfulness in our ministry. For open doors and possible partners to make the long term vision of the rehab possible.

Thank you for your prayers and support! "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ." Ephesians 1:3

May God fill you with the Holy Spirit, and guide your worship in Spirit and truth. He is enough. He is where we fix our eyes.

Samson & Chloe

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