BIG NEWS (Next Steps!) Chloe & Samson
Updated: Oct 27, 2023
Hello everyone! We are super, super excited to be sharing with you where God is leading us next after this year with Oceans Edge. We are so grateful for the ways He has grown us personally and the fruit that has been produced here for the glory of His Kingdom. We will continue to be sending monthly updates for our last couple months serving here and we desire for these blogs to continue further. We love to be able to share all that God is doing as an encouragement for others to walk faithfully with Him. With all that being said, here is where we believe God is guiding us next...

Chloe and I met a youth group in the Dominican Republic during our World Race program in 2021. We really enjoyed our time with the group. Fast forward two years later to their next international mission trip; we invited them to Oceans Edge. They came and we got to spend lots of intentional time with the leaders and the students. At the end of their time at Oceans Edge, they opened up the opportunity for Chloe and I to go lead the youth ministry at their church in New York. This past year, the pastor and his wife, in addition to all the work they were doing in the church, had been running the youth ministry. They hadn't found anyone to fill that role and had been praying faithfully for someone to fulfill it. Through much prayer and intercession, we believe this is the next step God is calling us into!
If there is something that we really have learned over the years of living a missional life, and encourage amongst so many people we meet, is that being a missionary is not an overseas excursion. Or a specific calling. That we are missionaries in our workplace, in our homes, in our friend groups. In our hometown or across the world. If we are called to look like Jesus, then looking like Him becomes missional. That is why coming back to the states we are just as mission minded to build the Kingdom of God. For He came for all people and at the end of times people from every nation, tribe, and tongue will be praising His name.

Crazy! Big news about next steps. Let me share a little bit of what that means for us moving forward.
After our time in Costa Rica we will be moving to Rochester, NY. There are some things that are unknown and calls us to walk by faith that God will come through as He always does. The position is set up to be part time, but Chloe and I have a big
vision and heart for ministry that we would love to maximize our time invested with the youth. However, the position will be part-time pay none the less. This is a transition season coming up for us. And a transition into encouraging partnerships with those who feel lead. In the past we have had a lot of one-time donations. We are moving into asking for prayer of partnering with us monthly. In where funds lack, Chloe and I will be diligent in the common Biblical phrase "tentmaking" to put our time into work that can continue to provide financially for us to be there. We hold a high conviction in all circumstances to live a life in a manner worthy of the Gospel. The greater partnerships we have, the more time we can fully invest into leading the next generation to be devoted disciples of Christ in a country that may seem to feel like it's growing further from God.
God has really refined our hearts in fundraising. That it is a way to open the door for God to move as He desires. To be honest and vulnerable with you, there is a difficulty (linked to pride of the flesh and fear of man) in doing that at times, and God has continued to humble us through it. We really ask for genuine, intentional prayer about partnership. If your heart is not in it to support us, we encourage you to not. We want to partner with those who believe in the mission, the intent, and the work that is being done. And we would love to explore it Biblically with you in conversation as well.
We are looking into houses in the local area and possibly other job opportunities. We would love to connect with you individually and share more about the vision and mission. Please respond back from this email to set up a time to call or meet in person if possible for us to share more. We are so thankful for the loving community we have through this blog. Thank you for your prayers and the continued prayers for us.
Peace be with you in our Lord Jesus Christ
Samson & Chloe