Apr 2023 Ministry Update
Updated: Jul 31, 2023
Hey everyone! Here is a ministry update for us as of April!

As I am writing this blog, my wife Chloe and I are back in the states. We are currently with Chloe's side of the family in Chicago. We have got to spend sweet time with her family and have good conversations. Also, celebrating her mother's birthday! We will be going to Iowa for about a week here today, so if you read this blog and would want to meet up with us, we would love to figure out a time. Our phone and email are in the contact tab of this site.
A patient and faithful God:
This past month a lot has happened in Jaco, Costa Rica. A couple updates ago I spoke about a friend who had been struggling with giving up the ways of this world. Within a week of him leaving back to the states, he took part in a night of worship with people from the church. During that time, the Holy Spirit was moving and stirred his heart. He realized that night that if an abundant amount of joy and peace comes in a life with God, he would be silly not to follow. He was baptized around believers the night before he left, giving his life to Christ!

Mission team:

We also had a youth group come from New York. It was a group that Chloe and I met in the Dominican Republic a couple years ago. Chloe had really connected with the group, and stayed in contact with them. As the opportunity arose, Chloe invited the youth group to come to Ocean's Edge Ministries. God's timing was perfect in that invitation, as the leaders of the youth were wondering that same day what to do for their yearly mission. We spent a lot of the week with them, and we grew so close to all of them. We got to mutually encourage one another in the faith. It was awesome to see the authentic and child-like faith the group had. And the leaders were wonderful as well: Spirit-led and deeply loving. It was a time of freedom and breaking off chains through the love of Christ. God did a great work through them, and grew them all individually and as a group in their faith.
Other news:
In Chicago, Chloe and I got to meet up with missionaries from Japan. It was God's perfect timing in giving us the opportunity to sit down and talk with them. And what a joy it was to hear about how the LORD is moving in Japan. Please lift prayers for the people there as about 1% are Bible believing Christians.
I have been able to meet with a group of the men at the church with the purpose to equip and encourage present and future leaders in the Church of Christ. That has been great to be involved in, surrounding by men of God.
Good Friday and Easter were great times at the service to praise and give all glory to Christ. Chloe and I got the honor of speaking about the words Jesus spoke on the cross while at the Good Friday service.
May God guide your paths, and may you grow deeper in His love to be fully satisfied in Him and to glorify His name.
Samson & Chloe